Monday, February 19, 2018

how buy fennel seeds

fennel seeds

where's buy fennel seeds

in the first we should know some information about fennel seeds such as the benefits, specification, chemical analysis, the kinds, the grades and, in what use and the end where's grows and how can buy it

1.what the benefits of fennel tea ?

fennel Tea is very important for some diseases as colic , spleen , liver ,cold, lunges , milk flow and increasing urine flow, for high blood flow and to boost sexual desire .

2.what's the best specifications of fennel seed & tea?

Physical Characteristic:

green yellowish
grassy and herbaceous
characteristic flavour
dried tips of fennel seeds
particle size

Microbiological analysis

salmonella       Not detected in 25g
escherichia coli     absent
Yeast / mold (cfu into 1g no more than)   0.10 x 103

3.what's the best chemical analysis of fennel seed & tea ?

allergens material         It does't contain
Metal particles%  Absent
Pesticides residues   Meet eu regulations
Heavy metals (sr, sс)   Absent
Ash%       10.00
Acid insoluble    ash%.2
Volatile oil ml / 100 g  1.5

4.what's the grades of fennel seed & tea ?

there are two kinds Grade A and Grade B

5.what's the kinds of fennel seed & tea ?

seeds and tea

6.when to plant fennel seeds ?

it's depend upon the country

7.whare's fennel seeds grows ?

it's grows in Egypt plus India and Syria

8.where's buy fennel seeds and tea ?

you can buy and import fennel seeds through Egyptian company called arrowheadherbs   and it's website :

9.the details for buying and import are :

Mr/fady maher 
mobile :00201000256745 - 00201229958443
available online at Viber and what's app

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